More Than Fitness

Hella Fun Fitness



Are you ready for the fitness program of your dreams?

Congratulations! Welcome to a fitness program that works for and with you!
You've found the key to consistency so that you can have more energy, more confidence,
a stronger and more resilient body, and better health.



This is why I created Hella Fun Fitness 

Hella Fun Fitness is how you can stop throwing your money away on 7-day cleanses and expensive gym memberships you never use and finally get consistent, get results, and KEEP results.
Because, 5 years ago, I sat on the couch drinking black coffee. Drinking black coffee because I was afraid that the ounce of milk would be too many calories.
My job as a kickboxing instructor had me working out anywhere between 5-9 hours a day. Sometimes burning almost 2000 calories in ONE shift. Then working out on top of that.
My entire body was sore, I sat there feeling bad for taking a rest day and still didn’t feel like I was doing enough.

I KNEW there was something wrong with this thought process. I KNEW it wasn’t healthy. I KNEW it didn’t have to be that way.
But I did it anyway because I’d never known a different way of doing fitness.

I didn’t want to do fitness like that anymore. I didn’t want to teach others to do fitness like that anymore.
It’s shitty. It’s painful. It’s not supportive. It’s unhealthy.


This program is for you if… 

  • You want to let go of BS like #nodaysoff and #nopainnogain fitness.

  • You want to stop being afraid of adding a little milk to your coffee.

  • You know you want to be done with the yo-yo dieting and start-stop exercising.

It took me some time, but eventually, I found my way into treating myself and my body with love and respect. Fitness transformed my entire life, not just my body. It became my mission, passion, and joy in life to share the healing magic of fitness with people.

Are you ready to stop your endless search for motivation?

Are you ready to get and stay consistent with your nutrition & fitness forever?

Are you ready to keep it simple, let it be easy, and enjoy yourself along the way?

Stop reading and click here to book your totally free call with Milana to get all your questions answered and see if this program is the right fit for you!!!






How does Hella Fun Fitness work?

HFF is a 4-month coaching program with small group training workouts and group coaching calls with me!!
We’ll be working on quality nutrition, movement, and mindset. 



No diets, no restrictions, & no counting calories.

Transform the way you think about and approach nutrition so that you can get the results you want and never have to diet again.

You’ll learn how to keep it simple with improving your nutrition by focusing on one practice at a time. You’re not going to implement every single change all at once and by doing that, we’re ensuring your success in getting and maintaining your desired results.


Transform your body by transforming your mindset. 

By increasing strength, flexibility, mobility, stability, you'll create more ease, trust, and confidence in your body as you move through your daily life.

Most people don’t realize how deeply they’ve been impacted by diet-culture and media beauty standards. They don’t realize that the goal of this $71 billion industry is to keep you coming back by messing with your mind and keeping you feeling like you’re never good enough.

In HFF, we’ll unlearn all of that and create internal transformation, cultivate a strong mind/body connection, heal, break free from the grips of diet culture and cultivate safety and joy in the health and fitness process.


Hella Fun Fitness provides a fitness routine so fun and exciting that you actually look forward to your workouts every day!

5 classes/wk with options that meet you at your fitness level.

Each class focuses on a different aspect of your fitness. You’re not required to attend all classes, but you are welcome to!

You’re encouraged to move in ways that feel fun and enjoyable while also challenging yourself and giving your body what it needs to support your everyday life.


Fitness transformed my entire life, not just my body.

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One of the things clients find the most surprising is that they fall in love with working out.



  • When you sign up for HFF you will receive an orientation call with myself, Milana, and the group as well as 2 additional group coaching calls to discuss all your goals, previous challenges, and any questions you have. You will have my support for the entire 4 months. PLUS:

    24 live workouts that are recorded for you to playback anytime.

    One group orientation call to help get you ready.

    Two group coaching calls to build our community, discuss nutrition, movement, progress, life, etc!

    Tons of simple nutritional and hydration hacks that keep you in control.

    Mindset tips to overcome resistance and motivate you day-in-day-out.

    Access to an exclusive private community who support each other.

  • As the name suggests, everybody can take part in Couch to Consistent! The program focuses on moving your body (regardless of prior fitness levels) and is a really great way to jumpstart your fitness journey.

    All exercises will have modifications that allow you to work at your own level of fitness throughout. Plus we don’t just focus on cardio! There’s a real mixture of cardio, strength and rebalance (flexibility + stretching) workouts that are great for your general health.

  • Upon sign up, you will receive a special little fitness gift of the equipment we use during our classes!

    The program is designed for you to do anywhere and for everybody.

    And - if you've got free weights at home and would like to add them, I'll show you how!

  • CTC is designed to be as simplistic as possible. I teach tried + tested nutrition methods that get you thinking about what you eat in a different way, without focusing on counting calories, how many grams of protein you need, or whether you should skip carbs (HELLA NO btw!).

  • It is not a requirement to complete all 5 live workouts each week. I advise you to attend 3 and try incorporating some outdoors walking, cycling or swimming into your routine.

    All the live workouts are Monday-Friday and are recorded and accessible for you to playback at any time. So, if there are particular days you can’t fit around work or family, don’t worry!

  • Hella Fun Fitness isn’t centered around losing weight, and no fitness program should be. HFF gets you to move your body, understand your health and be in control. It’s a way to jumpstart a fitness routine you LOVE and you’ll enjoy all the natural health benefits that come with it.