More Than Fitness

Ready for the best
fitness challenge of your life?

As the world begins to open up again, give yourself the gift of health with Couch To Consistent.
A four-week fitness revolution.


The Fitness Revolution You’ve Been Waiting For


Yeah, I know you've done fitness before and it sucked. You were told to count calories, that you didn't want it bad enough, and that you should have no excuses!

I'm gonna call it right here & right now: that is 100% bullshit!

You are an entire person having a full human experience. Sometimes life will demand a lot of your attention & it feels like there is no room for cooking & eating better, working out, or taking care of your mindset.

I've found the way!

And you'll get to learn all about it in Couch to Consistent! These 4 weeks are filled with live workouts as well as group and individual coaching that will teach you my method of Dynamic Consistency so you can actually enjoy fitness for a change!

Are you ready to…

Feel energized, get physically and mentally stronger, and have tons of fun with my 4-week fitness revolution that you can do from home? 

Meet friends, stay consistent and celebrate your first steps to a lifelong change in my private Facebook community?

Enjoy confidence, say BYE to calorie counting and build better habits with my tried and tested super simple and Hella Fun methods?


Couch to Consistent is perfect for you if…

You have no idea how to start your fitness routine and need some guidance.

You have every intention of working out but never take action on it. 

You’ve tried demanding programs and diets in the past but are over restrictive diet plans!

You've started over and over again, but can never keep consistent.

You’re thinking about signing up to a gym but don’t know where to start once you get there. 

You struggle to keep accountable and feel lonely in trying to achieve the best for your body.


Your Couch to Consistent Coach

Hi, I’m Milana!

Professional fitness, nutrition, & mindset coach and owner of More Than Fitness, I’ll be your virtual PT during Couch To Consistent.

This challenge is a fitness revolution. All it takes is 28 days to achieve consistency with your health. It’s not about counting calories, or the toxic shaming culture if you don’t work out daily, but making sure you feel the joy that comes from moving your body. 

Fitness has the power to transform your entire life, not just your body!

I LOVE making my workouts unique (hello, mashed potato mountain climbers!) because all my clients deserve a simple, effective and fun solution to fitness. This challenge is for everybody, no matter your fitness level - you'll always grow at your perfect pace!

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A Look Inside Couch To Consistent

  • Join 20 live workouts over 4 weeks that will get you stronger, more mobile, flexible, stable, confident, and more! 

  • One group orientation call to help get you ready.

  • Two group coaching calls to build our community, discuss nutrition, movement, progress, life, etc!

  • Join our exclusive community that is sure to help you feel supported in your struggles and celebrated in your wins!

  • Learn a different, totally awesome approach to nutrition that will ALWAYS make you feel like you're winning.

  • Discover how shifting your mindset in the smallest ways allows you to get even bigger and better results.

The best part is...


We do it ALL through Zoom & a private Facebook special just for you.

The world is slowly reopening, but I'm still keeping us safe at home!!

My clients LOVE being able to work out from the comfort and safety of their own homes while traveling, and using the recordings of our live workouts when they are unavailable to attend live.




  • It’s 4 weeks long. So, for those of you who are a little nervous to commit to something long-term, 4 weeks is the sweet spot. It’s just long enough for you to see what you’re capable of and begin reaping the benefits of taking better care of your body, mind, and spirit!

  • It's doable. No one will ask you to completely overhaul your life, throw away your favorite foods, or work out so hard it hurts. There hasn't yet been ONE person who hasn't tried a workout and told me: "I was afraid it was going to be so hard, but I was totally able to do it!

  • The community is warm, welcoming, supportive, and works together to stay accountable to each other and themselves! There is absolutely ZERO competition and comparison happening within my fitness community. We've built it this way on purpose and we're ready to welcome you with open arms <3

  • Experience the freedom and ease your body gets to have when you exercise in a way that feels good and don't feel held back from doing things you love by nagging aches and pains.

  • You'll become the person who looks forward to your workout and enjoys moving your body.

  • Build confidence in yourself and trust your ability to take on all of life's demands as you watch yourself conquer new challenges with safety and support.

  • Feel energized, get physically and mentally stronger, and have tons of fun with my 4-week fitness revolution so you can start 2022 connected to your strength and power.



  • When you sign up for CTC you will receive an orientation call with myself, Milana, and the group as well as 2 additional group coaching calls to discuss all your goals, previous challenges and any questions you have. You will have my unlimited support for the entire 4 weeks. PLUS:

    24 live workouts that are recorded for you to playback anytime.

    One group orientation call to help get you ready.

    Two group coaching calls to build our community, discuss nutrition, movement, progress, life, etc!

    Tons of simple nutritional and hydration hacks that keep you in control.

    Mindset tips to overcome resistance and motivate you day-in-day-out.

    Access to an exclusive private community who support each other.

  • As the name suggests, everybody can take part in Couch to Consistent! The program focuses on moving your body (regardless of prior fitness levels) and is a really great way to jumpstart your fitness journey.

    All exercises will have modifications that allow you to work at your own level of fitness throughout. Plus we don’t just focus on cardio! There’s a real mixture of cardio, strength and rebalance (flexibility + stretching) workouts that are great for your general health.

  • Upon sign up, you will receive a special little fitness gift of the equipment we use during our classes!

    The program is designed for you to do anywhere and for everybody.

    And - if you've got free weights at home and would like to add them, I'll show you how!

  • CTC is designed to be as simplistic as possible. I teach tried + tested nutrition methods that get you thinking about what you eat in a different way, without focusing on counting calories, how many grams of protein you need, or whether you should skip carbs (HELLA NO btw!).

  • It is not a requirement to complete all 5 live workouts each week. I advise you to attend 3 and try incorporating some outdoors walking, cycling or swimming into your routine.

    All the live workouts are Monday-Friday and are recorded and accessible for you to playback at any time. So, if there are particular days you can’t fit around work or family, don’t worry!

  • Couch to Consistent isn’t centered around losing weight, and no fitness program should be. CTC gets you to move your body, understand your health and be in control. It’s a way to jumpstart a fitness routine you LOVE and you’ll enjoy all the natural health benefits that come with it.